2018-02-03 - MD-WV-VA Trifecta

^z 23rd April 2023 at 7:52am

~22.0 miles @ ~22.6 min/mi

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service is joy." Dr Dipak quotes Rabindranath Tagore as he and Sirisha trek along the Appalachian Trail. The day begins with temps in the teens. Merle drives to Weverton and sets off along the C&O Canal towpath toward Harpers Ferry. After a brisk hike up the cliffs we follow him. Icicles cling to shaded rocks. Puddles are slippery skating rinks.

"No goals!" says Sirisha wisely, about her upcoming ultra-tough ultramarathons. Today's hillwork will pay dividends in months ahead. We climb steep Maryland Heights, diverting to a scenic overlook. Jennifer's friend Brie greets us, wearing a Yeti scarf and running with super-fast Kurt on his way to doing five repeats. We tour cannon emplacements, then trot down and cross the river into Harpers Ferry.

"Up this way!" Brie reappears and directs us to the AT's route through West Virginia. Past Jefferson Rock, over the Shenandoah River into Virginia, and up Loudoun Heights. Deja vu, remembering Dr Stephanie's Run of Legend (see 2017-03-04 - Loudoun Heights and Maryland Heights with Stephanie). No luck finding the path that led down the other side of the mountain during a race here 7+ years ago (see 2010-10-23 - Quad State Quad Buster).

"My front was too cold and my back was too hot!" We meet a lady wearing her jacket backwards on both Maryland Heights and Loudoun heights. Sirisha tells of wearing her hydration vest similarly. At the overlook somebody is having a Bad Hair Day.

"So let's walk-run to Weverton!" Merle appears at mile 18 and provides an instant aid station when we decide to continue on foot rather than accept his kind offer of a lift. Locks with lovers' names decorate the pedestrian bridge over the Potomac. Sirisha and I admire Dipak's bright green jacket, after he fishes for compliments. At our starting point we fist-bump and declare victory. We've finished what Brie calls the "Trif*ckta" — yay!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-03-04